Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Panic and Prices - Part II - the Return of the Anti Monopoly Committee

In Ukraine, the task of the Anti Monopoly Committee seems to be to investigate prices that politicians think are too high. Some time ago it was university tuition, now it's the prices of garlic, onions and lemons.

Where's the monopoly here?

"The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU) has filed a suit concerning unreasonable rises in the prices of some foodstuffs, in particular, garlic, onion, and lemons.

"Using the situation that occurred as a result of the outbreak of flu and the fact the Ukrainian families have started to consume garlic, onion, and lemons, they [trade enterprises] have sharply raised prices of these goods…I have taken a decision to file a suit concerning the unreasonable, illegal rise in the prices of garlic, onion, and lemons on the territory of Ukraine," acting head of the Antimonopoly Committee said.

According to him, an investigation group was formed and a relevant meeting with the participation of the AMCU leadership was held.

"The whole system of agencies of the Antimonopoly committee was charged with conducting the corresponding investigations," Melnychenko said.

Melnychenko also said that he spoke with the head of the State Customs Service, who had supported these actions. In particular, this concerns lemon imports to Ukraine.

That's why, as Melnychenko said, "we will know which subjects of the economy are abusing their market position."

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